Leaders don’t know what they don’t know.

As an executive, it can be difficult and concerning to see your leaders struggle. Originally high-performing individuals at the top of their game, becoming a leader was the next logical step in their career progression. Once they are in a leadership position for any length of time, it’s often the case that this once high-performing employee now feels vulnerable and raw trying to lead a team responsible for tasks they once excelled at doing themselves. The intention is there – these individuals want to help and do a good job but don’t know how because they don’t know what they don’t know. They have strong technical capabilities, and limited leadership skill. Too often, leadership as a skill in itself is considered too briefly or overlooked entirely.  It’s the role of senior management to ensure that leaders have the support they need to deliver what you need to move your department and organization forward.


As you know, developing your talent will be your biggest competitive differentiator and should be embedded into your culture. Just like you would invest in technical training for frontline employees, like providing the opportunity for your digital marketer to learn the latest google trends or your warehouse supervisor to learn how to drive a forklift, a high-performance culture ensures leaders are equipped with the leadership capabilities they need to maximize the talents of their teams who produce the work.


Investing resources into coaching for your leaders will always pay off. The ROI is significant in many ways.

– Without people, you don’t have a business.

-Leaders are doing more with less. Equip them. Help them do their jobs well. Their enjoyment of the role will have a ricochet effect on their teams, and you’ll see it come back in the form of discretionary effort.

-Coaching creates space for innovation and diversity of thought. New ideas bring productivity and results in new and impactful ways.


You don’t have to do it alone.

We’ve seen it many times; it’s common that executives or senior leaders don’t have the time or even have the knowledge themselves to distill leadership into a skill and coach their leaders to lead. Bringing in outside leadership support and expertise can be most effective and can help individuals and collective leadership teams thrive and move forward to achievie common goals. Working with you, Bright Wire can help determine the specific leadership capabilities required for your team and organization to deliver on your business strategy. Leaders on your team need support, and we can equip them with the capabilities they need to lead strong into the future with confidence.